BBNYA Semifinalist Spotlight Tour | 05 Dec 2022

Dear Bookbugs,

This year, the Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year Award (BBNYA) is celebrating the 50
books that made it into Round Two with a mini spotlight blitz tour for each title.

I am trying my best to be a part of this spotlight blitz. Today’s BBNYA semifinalist spotlight features the book named ‘The Vicar Man’ by Amelia Crowley.


Dora is a barmaid.
Usually her life is fairly simple: she gets up, cleans the inn, feeds the chickens, argues with the increasingly obstreperous cockerel, listens to the woes of her fellow barmaid, avoids doing the laundry, and serves drinks to the motley crew of islanders who lurk about the taproom every night.
The same old routine, day in, day out.
Tonight, though, is different.
Tonight, just one week before the vernal equinox, after a catastrophically bad harvest the year before, a stranger has walked into the bar…

About the Author

Amelia lives in Yorkshire with her family.
At least she definitely had a family around here somewhere, but to be honest she’s spent so much of the last year staring into a word processor she thinks they may have wandered off.
Her writing is fuelled by mugs of terrible, over-sugared coffee, much better chocolate, and the occasional macaron, and is punctuated by her soulless whimpers and the sound of her head hitting the keyboard.
She posts updates on her books and writing at When she remembers.
If you are interested in this satirical historical fantasy, give it a try. You can find it on all the popular online platforms.

Amazon: (Canada) (USA) (UK)


Happy Reading Everyone!!

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