My 2025 Reading Goals and 2024 Review
Dear Bookbugs,
We are halfway through January, but I figured it’s still the beginning of the year. Setting a reading goal other than the number of books is something that I started last year. However, as the year progresses, I might just switch into mood reading because reading is meant to give me joy. I am curious to see how I’ve fared the past year.
2024 : Review
1)Read 50 books a year
I read 59 books last year. So that is one goal I accomplished. But then again, I knew that I would check this one at least.
2) Read at least two classics
Thanks to my book club, I read two Agatha Christie novels last year. Death Comes as the End and The Secret Adversary. Safe to say I’ve achieved this one too.
3)Re-read more books
This one was actually a fun goal because I feel like after starting the blog and bookstagram I am playing catch up with my TBR and never even thought of re-reading. Last year I re-read, The Seven Year Slip and Twilight. I discovered that my feelings for The Seven Year Slip hasn’t changed at all even though not a lot of time has passed since its first published. But I can see Twilight in a better light and many of the things haven’t aged well or I am old enough now to know better but I am still fond of it. Nostalgia can overshadow a lot of things.
4) Venture into new genres
I have read a few paranormal or spooky books like Cackle and Perfectly Wicked. Both were safe bets because I really cannot read horror. Its a stretch but I would say, yes. I tried something that I haven’t.
5)Read five sci-fi books.
This one I haven’t achieved. I don’t hear a lot of sci-fi recommendations. Maybe that’s why I never picked them as much. I read one science fiction middle grade novel, Ghosts of Mars : The Adventures of Eva Knight by Stuart White.
6) Read books from my longtime backlist.
Again, I fizzled out on this one. I tried to give some books a chance but it got pushed away. I am planning to make a TBR jar this month so that I can tackle that.
So, that is my brief review of 2024 reading goals. As you can see, I’ve achieved four out of six goals. Did I intentionally plan my TBR to fulfill my goals? No. I resorted to mood reading. But I would still consider that a good reading year. I am planning to read some sci-fi this year. Hopefully, it will happen in 2025.
Anyway, I am setting a bunch of new reading goals for this year.
2025 Reading Goals
1)Read 52 books in 2025.
Usually 50 is my goal. Fifty-two should be easy and it rounds it up with one book a week philosophy. There is one goal that I can easily achieve.
2) Set up a TBR jar for my longtime backlist books.
As mentioned earlier, I am planning to do a TBR jar set up to make time for my longtime backlist books. It would be more of a read it or unhaul it situation. But I don’t want to call it that, as I want the option to decide to give some books another chance.
3) DNF books if I am not into them.
This might sound like a weird goal. I have a habit of pushing through books that I am not enjoying. This year, I am trying to be more mindful of whether I am enjoying a book or not. If I am not into the book, I will be quick enough to DNF it.
4) Read diverse genres
Last year, my reading list covered mostly thrillers and romance. I want to divulge into different genres. I used to read more dystopian and fantasy books too. In order to bring that back, I decided to come up with a flexible reading goal.
5) Catalogue my reading stats in a better way.
Other than the Goodreads update, I don’t usually have a system for tracking my reading stats. I am in awe of people who give a detailed report of what they read. I still want to keep it all simple but I would love to have a list beyond all the books I read, maybe organised in terms of genre or page count. I still don’t have a plan on how to achieve this, but I will try my best to come up with a system.
There we go. Those are the reading goals that I’ve set up for the year 2025. It is not too outlandish. I know how much ground I can cover and I would rather keep it simple and find gratification in it than getting overwhelmed by unattainable goals. Like I said, I read for joy and I would love to keep it that way.
Let me know your reading goals. Drop you links if you have shared them somewhere. I would love to know all about it.
Happy Reading Everyone!!