Tagged: tistheseasonathon

The Christmas Forest | By Rebecca Boxall 0

The Christmas Forest | By Rebecca Boxall

About the Author Rebecca Boxall was inspired to write by her favourite author Rosamunde Pilcher. She grew up in a vicarage and her works reflect that part of her life according to her own words....

Tistheseasonathon – Bookbug’s Readathon Wrap Up

Tistheseasonathon – Bookbug’s Readathon Wrap Up

Dear Bookbugs, Today is the 10th day of blogmas and I can’t wait to share with you all my very first readathon experience. I’ve always wondered how people go through readathons. It seems so intense...

#Tistheseasonathon |  Day ONE

#Tistheseasonathon | Day ONE

Dear bookbugs,   It is the day three of Blogmas and the beginning of the holiday readathon #tistheseasonathon!! This is a readathon hosted by one of my favorite Booktubers, Heather from Bookables.   Since this...

Christmas reads for Bookbugs

Christmas reads for Bookbugs

Dear bookbugs,   This is the second day of Bookbug’s blogmas. As you are aware, December is going to be full of Christmas books. Today I am going to share all my Christmas TBRs. The...