TheWriteReads | Blog Tour Spotlight | Blood of the Lost Kingdom | Kristin Ward




Dear Bookbugs,





Today, we are going to take a look at the young adult fantasy novel, Blood of the Lost Kingdom by Kristin Ward. This spotlight is a part of TheWriteReads blog tour. Blood of the Lost Kingodm is the second book in the Daughter of Erabel series, the first one being The Girl Of Dorcha Wood which I intend to read soon. I am familiar with the author’s work ( After the Green Withered ) and she is not one to pull back her punches. I am expecting a hard-hitting fantasy tale where we have something to reach out for and relate to. 







Here’s a synopsis of the book :







Mysterious. Hidden. Sacred. Erabel is the beating heart of Dorcha Wood. And its heir has come home.


Fleeing the man who betrayed her, Fiadh returns to her beloved forest, into its heart, to discover her people. And herself. With the aid of Veren, an Aos Sí warrior, she explores her birthright, a world safeguarded from the corruption of mankind. There, she learns the history of a mighty race and the vastness of the power coursing through her blood. 


But beyond Erabel’s boundaries, men are flocking, rallying to an evil lord who covets the strength flowing in Fiadh’s veins. They have their eyes fixed on the lost kingdom of the Aos Sí, and it’s only a matter of time before they breach those borders and come for Fiadh and all who protect her. 


All around her, the world is closing in, as some plot in shadows, and others in the stark light of day.




About the Author




Kristin Ward is an award-winning young adult author living in Connecticut. A science and math teacher for over twenty years, she infuses her geeky passions into stories that meld realism and fantasy. Kristin embraces her inner nerd regularly, often quoting 80s movies while expecting those around her to chime in with appropriate rejoinders. As a nature freak, she can be found wandering the woods – she may be lost, so please stop and ask if you see her – or chilling in her yard with all manner of furry and feathered friends. Often referred to as a unicorn by colleagues who remain in awe of her ability to create or find various and sundry things in mere moments. In reality, the horn was removed years ago, leaving only a mild imprint that can be seen if she tilts her head just right. A lifelong lover of books and writing, she dreamed of becoming an author for thirty years before publishing her award-winning debut in 2018. Her first novel, After the Green Withered, is one of many things you should probably read.















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2 Responses

  1. Ellie Rayner says:

    Great spotlight Rejitha!