Category: Featured Blogger Series

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 3

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 3

Dear Bookbugs On Day 20 of #Blogmas 2018 we have a very special third visitor for the Featured Blogger series. She is one of the sweetest bloggers around and is always out there supporting and...

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger series – Episode 2

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger series – Episode 2

Dear Bookbugs,   It is Day 17 of Blogmas 2018 and here we are with our second visitor for the Featured Blogger series in the Bookbugworld. Today I am so pleased to bring this amazing...

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series –  Episode 1

Bookbug’s Featured Blogger Series – Episode 1

Dear Bookbugs,   It is the fifteenth day of #Blogmas2018!! When we started our journey on the first day I told you that this month is all about surprises and visitors!! Holidays are the time...