WWW Wednesday | 23 Aug 2023



Dear Bookbugs,




It is time for another WWW Wednesday book meme.







The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking a World of Words.

This is a simple meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.




  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?





And then link the host’s blog to your post and, if possible, leave a comment in theirs.









1)What are you currently reading?







I came to know about this book from a booktuber who mainly focuses on romance reads. It got me curious and I just went in without any expectations. This one is a fun romantic comedy with a heart.







2)What did you recently finish reading?








I recently finished the middle-grade novel for TheWriteReads blog tour. It is a heartwarming novel that is filled with hope and a never-give-up spirit. You can read my complete review if you are interested. 






3)What do you think you’ll read next?








I haven’t read an Alice Feeney book before. So I am really looking forward to reading her latest release even if it has somewhat mixed reviews. So, this one is the next book on my list.







Those are my weekly reading updates. I hope you enjoyed reading about them. Let me know in the comment section, what book you are reading at the moment. How do you feel about it? I would love to know that.




Happy Reading Everyone!!









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