WWW Wednesday | 13 Dec 2023



Dear Bookbugs,







It is time for another WWW Wednesday book meme.













The WWW Wednesday meme was hosted by MizV at A Daily Rhythm. It is now revived by Taking a World of Words.

This is a simple meme where you have to answer the three W’s of a reader’s life.




  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?  


    And then link the host’s blog to your post and, if possible, leave a comment in theirs.






1)What are you currently reading?







I have just started reading this holiday romance. This one is a NetGalley e-ARC, but the book is already out in November. Four Weddings and a Christmas is a second-chance love story between the main characters Freya and Travis. So far it has been giving all the festive feelings and I am there for it. 






2)What did you recently finish reading?









I finished reading this one today. I am glad that I picked this one as my first book for December. Wreck the Halls is a cutesy romance read, but it isn’t high on the festive side. The festive theme is somewhat peppered around in the background. It is more of a comfort read with adorable characters and just a fun time. More will follow in my review, which will be out soon.







3)What do you think you’ll read next?










As you can see, the theme is all festive. I am planning to read yet another popular holiday romance this month. A Winter in New York. I have been seeing this book in the bookish community a lot and finally got myself a copy. This is my first Josie Silver book and I am quite excited about it.











Those are my current reading updates. I hope you enjoyed reading about them. Let me know in the comments, what book are you planning to read this holiday season?










Happy Reading Everyone!!
















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